
Monday, December 3, 2012

MBT - Causes of BPD

Causes - Secure Attachment

While recognizing a genetic component to BPD, according to Bateman and Fonagy, BPD is a kind of "mind blindness" caused by lack of secure attachment.

Lack of secure attachment occurs when an infant's primary caregiver doesn't spend enough time or there is a paucity of interaction between the child and the person looking after them.  There is not enough "face time" between the child and the mother, for example, for the child to learn how to read emotional expressions.

The child isn't able to find herself as an intentional being and may internalize the other (primary caregiver) into the self.  There is a lack of basic trust, sometimes due to the unpredictability of response from a parent.  The BPD person experiences the world as hostile and persecuting.


The child without secure attachment develops an "alien" self.  There is a deficit in reading facial expressions; an inability to perceive the mental states of others accurately.

The attachment system of someone with BPD is triggered too readily.  Identity formation is damaged.  There appears to be an inhibition of the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for executive functioning/decision-making.  This results in lack of emotional regulation, impulsivity, risk-taking.

There is a lack of boundaries between self and others, and a consequent instability of relationships; or, the inability to form meaningful or lasting relationships.  There is a tendency to become overwhelmed or over stimulated.

People with BPD tend to make faulty or incorrect assumptions regarding the thoughts and intentions of others leading to behaviours and communications which are inappropriate, or inaccurate, given the situation.

Because we with this disorder have difficulty in accepting the "good and the bad" in others (exemplified in the tendency to idealize or demonize); we also cannot accept the bad in ourselves and suffer from self-depreciating internal chants.  Feeling at times, very "bad"; unworthy to live or that we need to punish ourselves.

At the same time, at the other end of the scale, we have the conviction of being "right".  There is often grandiosity and idealization present.  Our thoughts and thought patterns are rigid and often negative; with an intolerance of alternative perspectives.

In truth, we are decoupled from actual external reality, and feel emptiness, meaninglessness, disassociation=extreme intense unbearable pain.

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